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We make translations into/from more than 25 languages like English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Chinese, Japanese and other languages. We are able to translate text of any subject (see the list of languages and prices). All translations are made by qualified and experiences staff.

We make different kind of translations:

- translation of any kind of documentation of the following subjects:

Medicine, economics, finances, science, law, engineering etc;

- belles-lettres, fiction;

- correspondence;

- web-sites;

- press-releases;

- news;

- interviews,

- movie texts;

- and many other things to your request.

© Lingvo-Consulting Studio «West-East»
16 Morcellement des Mascareignes,Gajadhur Lane,Trou aux Biches, MAURITIUS
mobile in Mauritius: +23 0910 4667
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