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Competitive Mauritius at No. 3

Mauritius was ranked the third most competitive African economy, after Tunisia and South Africa, according to the World Economic Forum report for 2009-2010. Among the 31 African nations included in the survey, Ethiopia ranks 22nd, and 118th among 133 countries surveyed in the world.

The country moved up a couple of notches from its 2008-2009 rank of 121/132. The World Economic Forum considers various factors, including infrastructure, access to finance, technology, education, healthcare, business climate in its ranking.

It bases itself on publicly available data, as well as interviews with leading business figures and organisations such as the World Bank and African Development Bank. Switzerland tops the list as the world’s most competitive economy in 2009-2010.

The US and Singapore were ranked second and third most competitive countries in the world, respectively.

© Lingvo-Consulting Studio «West-East»
16 Morcellement des Mascareignes,Gajadhur Lane,Trou aux Biches, MAURITIUS
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